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We offer personalized support based on YOUR needs
Our mission is to provide unparalleled public health care services while respecting
the unique needs of our culturally diverse clientele through stewardship, honor-
driven values, and a genuine desire to serve.
Info & Referrals (Case Management)
Provides information on available resources, identifies client needs, assists with referral/application to government and community programs, and ensures needs are being met
Emotional Support & Counseling
Delivers supportive services, such as regular phone connection with trained volunteers, and specific counseling services for clients and caregivers
Non-Medical In-Home Care
Provides assistance with grooming, bathing, dressing, medication reminders, mobility, and transfers (such as from a wheelchair to a toilet, chair, or bed)
Scheduled Transportation
Offers comfort and peace of mind by delivering affordable, passenger-focused transportation services through reliable, volunteer drivers
Safety & Wellbeing
Delivers supplemental food and supplies for homebound, low-income, and vulnerable clients, as well as crisis intervention and problem-solving therapy to those with immediate needs and in complex situations
We provide a Circle of Care, which promotes independence, dignity, health,and well-being for seniors, adults with disabilities, and caregivers.
We help people live as independently as possible
We help seniors and adults with disabilities to live as independently as possible at
home and offer support to caregivers and families through a variety of programs.
Explore MyRide Connection
Local and verified volunteer drivers provide reliable, low cost transportation to registered members.
Save Our Seniors (SOS)
We supply monthly "supplemental need boxes". Boxes may include fresh produce, cleaning supplies, paper products, toiletries, meal replacement drinks, kitchen and laundry care items.
Medicare Counseling
Case Management
We provide free, unbiased health insurance information, assistance and counseling to Medicare beneficiaries of all ages and their caregivers. Our trained counselors help seniors and all Medicare beneficiaries understand their rights and benefits under Medicare and
other health insurance coverage.
Case managers assist seniors, people with special needs, and their families in planning for and implementing ways to allow for the greatest degree of health, safety, independence, and quality of life.
PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active Rewarding Lives) is an evidence-based program consisting of six sessions of in-home mental health services designed to address the symptoms of depression and improve the quality of a senior’s life.
Telephone Reassurance
Trained telephone advocates
and volunteers provide
emotional support, medication
reminders, information, and/or
crisis counseling through
regular phone contact to
reduce risk of loneliness and
Soulful Wellness
In-Home Services
Empowers adults to maintain
healthy living through various programs addressing chronic
health conditions, such as
depression, arthritis, diabetes,and hypertension, and those at risk for falls, social isolation and memory loss.
We provide eligible individuals with in-home care services through MO Medicaid Waivers. Services may include housework, personal care (bathing, grooming & dressing, meal preparation, etc.), or advanced personal care (range of motion, tracheostomies, gastrostomies, external, indwelling, and suprapubic catheters, etc.). We also provide in-home respite care, allowing caregivers time away when a family member cannot be left alone.
Options Counseling
Options counseling is a free, interactive, short-term program that empowers individuals to make informed choices about what will best help them remain independent in the community.
Are you, or is someone you know, a senior or adult with a disability who
is interested in learning more and would benefit from any of our various
services or programs in the greater St. Louis area?
If so, Please fill out our contact form, call or visit the office location
nearest you, or email us at
St. Louis Region
Garrett Office Building
423 Chez Paree, Hazelwood, MO 63042
Office: (314) 873-3501
Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Southeast Region
Executive Business Center
5303 Old Cape East, Jackson, MO 63755
Office: (573) 328-0562
Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
We work to eliminate social
isolation and loneliness.
Social isolation is the lack of connections or feeling
connected with other people. Loneliness can occur
even without social isolation. Factors such as living
alone, loss of family or friends, chronic illness, and
hearing loss put older adults at an increased risk for
social isolation and loneliness.
Recent studies have shown that social isolation and
loneliness put older adults at a higher risk for serious
medical conditions, including depression, dementia,
heart disease, and stroke.
What our clients say about us
"Circle of Care, St. Louis is my lifeline. They have
helped me to navigate social security disability
and help me with my depression".
"Circle of Care, St. Louis helped me to apply for
rental assistance which helped me to stay in my
"Circle of Care, St. Louis' dedicated Telephone
Advocate helps me to feel connected to my
community and I don't feel alone anymore".
You help us make a difference!
Circle of Care, St. Louis can provide a way for clients and caregivers to
feel connected. We make a difference in the lives of older adults, adults
with disabilities and chronic health conditions, and their families.
Circle of Care, St. Louis has provided much-needed services and
programs for hundreds of people in the metropolitan St. Louis area and
southeastern Missouri. We provide information, referrals, education,
support, and caring services to assist in allowing clients to live as
independently and safely at home for as long as possible.
For Circle of Care, St. Louis to continue the work of our mission, we count on the generosity of community members like you.
Interested in helping us to continue to
make a difference?
The gifts of your kindness, whether by donation or through your
time and energy, make a huge difference in your own community.
Every donation, no matter the amount, helps us to drive the
programs and services we can offer to improve the lives of
older adults and adults living with disabilities in the greater
St. Louis area.
Your gift directly impacts our ability to help people to age
safely, with dignity, and feeling supported in their own homes
and communities.
How to contribute a donation
Make an online donation through our secured website.
Click here to make a donation.
Start a fundraiser on Facebook to support our purpose.
Check to see if your employer is a one of the many generous companies/organizations that match their employee donations.
Donate for Giving Tuesday an annual day of generosity.
Sign up to volunteer by calling us at 314-873-3501 or
completing the online application.
We appreciate any amount of time you can dedicate to our
cause and, in return, volunteering with us can provide you
any or all of the following benefits:
The satisfaction that comes from helping others and making a difference in your community
Being a part of a caring team, having the opportunity to meet new people, and making connections with other community-minded people like you
Valuable work experience
The ability to use your existing skills to benefit others living in your community
The ability to express gratitude for assistance you may have received in the past by helping others and "paying it forward" through giving of your time and effort
Supporting seniors, adults with disabilities,
caregivers throughout St. Louis
We proudly serve community members in the St. Louis metropolitan area and
southeastern Missouri.
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