Soulful Wellness
Soulful Wellness programs empower older adults to take control of their health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle through self-efficacy and self-management. Evidence-based programs include:
FallsTalk is a highly effective fall prevention program developed with support from the National Institute on Aging, a division of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and meets the highest tier criteria of the Administration on Aging and the Administration on Community Living.
FallsTalk screening is the starting point; we will conduct a short screening to determine if FallsTalk is right for you.
The FallsTalk program consists of two face-to-face interviews and three short weekly check-in calls.
Walk with Ease is an exercise program that seeks to help reduce pain and improve health for those living with different types of arthritis and other related conditions that cause pain and stiffness in the joints. This program will help participants walk safely and comfortably; improve flexibility, strength, and stamina; and reduce pain.
Diabetes Prevention Program: This lifestyle change intervention program is designed to help participants make lasting changes to reduce their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Developed by the Center for Disease Control, this program offers participants the skills they need to lose weight; be more physically active and manage stress, a trained lifestyle coach to guide and encourage participants; support from other participants; and six-monthly follow-up sessions to help participants maintain healthy lifestyle changes. The participant must be pre-diabetic or demonstrate a high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Living Well With Hypertension: Untreated hypertension is the leading cause of kidney disease and failure and can lead to stroke and heart attacks. Participants will learn about blood pressure management strategies.
Horticultural Therapy: This type of therapy incorporates horticultural activities facilitated by a licensed therapist and gardener to achieve specific and documented treatment goals. For example, planting herbs helps increase sensory stimulation, watering helps improve motor skills, and group gardening helps decrease isolation and depression.
All Classes and Sessions are free and caregivers are welcome to attend with participants.
Please call (314) 873-3501 to learn more or inquire about any of our programs.