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Senior Caregiver
Happy young female african american scrub nurse wear blue uniform standing isolated on bac
Caregiver Campaign
Woman in Wheelchair in Greenhouse



Using social media, caregivers and their advocates have an opportunity to increase awareness of the 40-plus million unpaid caregivers in the World. The value of family caregiving is estimated at over $470 billion annually.  Will you help Circle of Care, St Louis grow this developing social media initiative? Please participate and share this with your friends and colleagues.


Join the Campaign in 4 Easy Steps:

  1. Download and print the 8.5” x 11” sign.

  2. Be sure to fill in the blank space (use a large pen/sharpie) identifying who it is you are a caregiver for: your spouse, your mother or father, your child, other.

  3. Get a photo using your phone or digital camera or take a selfie.

  4. Share on our Facebook page:@Circleofcarestl


Email your photo to and we will share your picture on our social media sites; OR post your picture to your page and then share it using any of these tags: @Circleofcarestl, #COCSTLHeroes, #Caregivers #IAmACaregiver #ILoveMyCaregiver #FamilyCaregivers

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